C276 Product Characteristics and Uses

C276 Product Characteristics and Uses

C276 is an alloy of copper and tin, belonging to a low melting point and high hardness metal. It has good wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and impact resistance, but is easy to oxidize. Mainly used in manufacturing mechanical parts such as bearings, gears, shaft sleeves, and hardware products such as valves.

1. C276 Characteristics:

(1) Density: 8.85g/cm3.

(2) Melting point: 230 ° C to 240 ° C. (begins to soften when heated in air). (Melt when heated to 350 ° F at 500 ° F.). (Melt at 600 to 700 ° F.) A solution of mercury with a solubility of 0.02% and a solution of ammonia or ammonium sulfate with a solubility of 0.2%. (Dissolved in ammonium hydrobromide solution).

(3) Boiling point: 1100~1130 ° C (decomposition), 1450~1500 ° C (decomposition); 1600~1750 ° C (sublimation). The sublimation temperature is 1660 ± 10 ° C; Thermal conductivity is 2.25W/(m · K), specific heat is 4.24J/(kg · K), and resistivity is 1.33 × 10-8Ω·m; Elastic modulus 378 Gpa; Poisson's ratio 3.35 × 10-3 ; Thermal conductivity 0.055W/(m · K); Electronegativity 1.52; The dielectric constant is 2.52, and the polarization strength is 7.95Ev/cm2.

(4) Hardness: 590HV.

(5) Conductivity: The tangent value is greater than 0.

2. C276 Purpose:

Used for manufacturing various precision instrument accessories and chemical equipment components, such as watch housing bushings, valve cores, valve stems, pump cover gaskets, etc. It is also used for making spring steel bars and various tool steel strips.

3. C276 Chemical composition:

Chemical composition percentage content Cu 0.95-1.2 Zn 1.1-1.3 Fe 0.6-1.1 Si 0.015-0.03 P ≤ 0.015 Na ≤ 0.005 Mo 0.1-0.2 V 0.05-0.07 Cr ≤ 0.08 W ≤ 0.1 Ti ≤ 0.05.

4. C276 Physical Properties:

Specific gravity 8.75-8.5 g/cm3, melting point 230-240 ° C, boiling point 1100-1400 degrees, (transition occurs between 1000-1300 degrees), relative density 7.86 g/ml, linear expansion coefficient 15.4 × 10-7/k-1, thermal conductivity 0.226W/m.k, thermal expansion coefficient 16.3x 10-6/K-1, elastic modulus 381MPa, Poisson's ratio 3.35X10-3.

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